What documents are required for first time employers?

For Local employer (following details to process the maids work permit application):

      • Identity Card (as well as those of members of employer’s household)
      • Proof of income in the form of Notice of Assessment (and that of the spouse if applicable) or employer’s authority to the Ministry of Manpower to verify employer’s income (and his/her spouse’s if applicable) with the Internal Revenue Authority; or if employer has recently returned after an extended absence, a letter by an officer of the company he/she is attached to showing:
        • Employer’s position in the company
        • Employer’s monthly income
        • The date employment commences

If a Notice of Assessment is not available and the Employer has not paid income tax in the current or previous year,

        • Employer’s income tax assessment if he/she was working abroad AND
        • a statement from CPF showing employer’s contribution for the last 3 months, if applicable.

For Expatriate employers (following details to process the maids work permit application):

      • Passport Copy- of self and members of the family
      • Employment pass and dependent pass of family members living with the employer
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